I suppose it is not until you are much older when you see what little things played such a big role in your life, for me it was classic Walt Disney movies.
That day I realized just how much i learned from those movies and stories.
I realized that when i was a kid I hated sitting through the opening credits when it was just a chorus singing, paintings of main characters and names of people I didn't know... And now I love it! I get so excited when i see that castle and tinker bell, and the Walt Disney Pictures title.
Steam Boat Willy is my favorite! I really loved all of the black and white cartoons. I loved waking up on Saturday mornings and singing "M-I-C*K-E-Y*M-O-U-S-E"
Disney taught me that family is where you feel safest,
where your heart is where your home is, family is a sanctuary
Disney taught me to never give up. Especially on myself.
Disney taught me to be who I want to be, and to always dream, because nothing is impossible.
Now I'm learning that even though I'm grown, I can still keep some of my child hood, and that is what I intend to do by disneybounding every outfit! (Family, this is Disneybound click here but be where its addicting... )
Most importantly Disney taught me to believe in happy endings because life would be awfully sad without them.
so I will continue to wait for my prince charming...
I'll keep having fun and sometimes act childish...
And I'll live happily ever after.
Now I have to go, because lord knows...