Hobos, i LOVE this store! it is probably the only vintage store in Redlands. yea Redlands sucks one time there was a concert at U of R (Jim class heroes were playing. yuck. but Runner Runner was playing too!) any way they told the crowd that when they herd that they were going to play in Redlands they didn't know where it was. then they said "theirs, like, nothing to do here." the crowd actually yelled back "WE KNOW!" every one was laughing. i didn't go cuz quite frankly i think Jim class heroes sucks, but all my friend who like them went and told me that story. its a sad town, just kidding its better than where i live! sorry sometimes i chase rabbits when i talk...and type apparently. any who, hobos is a really neat place it is so little and cute the walls are covered in clothes! and they sell stick on mustaches!!!! oh yea i love mustaches when ever i see a guy with a really great mustache i cant help but compliment him on how awesome it is. any way if you are ever in redlands and want to go to the only vintage store around Hobos is your store. its really neat, the owner sits behind the counter and plays the guitar. like i said super cute!
hahahaha now that we're men... lol any man with a mustasche is not nearly as awesome as we men are with our mustasches :) and yes i must also agree Hobo's is BOMB DIGGITY!!!! (ESPECIALLY because of the stick on mustaches)