Wednesday, January 4, 2012

who remembers the 80's?

who remembers the 80's? Its the title of a mix CD of Regina's but lately I have been on an 80's movies kick I just cant seem to get enough the one above I'm sure you (my readers) recognize but I am sad to say a lot of the world including my generation recognize as a spoof on this movie from newer movies and TV shows but they don't know it as a spoof which make me and my girl friends like Jamie and Jessica (the Blondies) (Chelsea is the brunette she is a good friend but she isn't as in to movies as the rest of us) any way it makes us

sad, we had a whole conversation about it while watching Say Anything the other day, so i decided to make a list of 16 of our favorite 80's movies be prepared for a lot of Molly Ringwald and Anthony Michael Hall so here we go:

  16 . Ghost Busters because hey even if you haven't watched the movies you know the song.

 15 . Beetle Juice because it was like one of the first funny scary movies I can remember 

 14 . Zapped, this movie is soooooo cheezy but that is the same thing that makes it great.

 13 . Revenge of the Nerds, because i do love nerds and because its a fun movie.

 12 . Fast times at Ridgemont High
because "hey dude lets party" actually i like that Sean Penn was one of the smallest least important characters but he stole the whole show.

  11. Valley Girl reason 
#1 because Nicholas Cage is super hot in it.
#2 because it has stupes one liners that have no importance and make me laugh like "lets crush that fly." and "cool is this movie in 3D? *****
No. But your face is!" 

  10. Bill and Ted's Excellent adventure because it taught us about history and to "be excellent to each other"
plus, Vannah and I like then Bill says "Ted, dont be dead dude..." it was one of our first DVDs so we would watch it on a loop and memorize the lines. 

   09. Labyrinth is on this list for one reason and one alone. David Bowie.

   08. Pretty in Pink, because Duckie is the cutest :) and because he sings Otis Redding! I love the movies with random song numbers.

  07. The Breakfast Club, because it taught us that a day in weekend detention can undo years of ignoring each other, self loathing, stealing, bullying, stealing, vanity, and become friends through all there differences and make out leaving the poor nerdy boy still the odd man out...

 06. Sixteen Candles. Do I even need to say why this is on here? ill just tell you there are 5  reasons why:
1. the sister on muscle relaxers and when she says "Samantha, you're really being... an a** hole."
2. Long Duck Dong
3. Farmer Ted
4. Because we all know how it feels to be in love with someone who doesn't know you exist
5. JAKE RYAN!!!! HELLO!!!!

05. The Goonies, because I wish my childhood adventures were that exciting. Also I love the "truffle shuffle" "Boobie traps" and heck i just love The Goonies.

04.  Ferris Bueller's Day off.
oh so many reasons:
1. Bueller...? Bueller...? Bueller?
2. I wish I had this day playing hookie
3. it has a random song and dance number

03. Say Anything. I already covered this but its because i love Lloyd Dobler he is pretty close to the perfect man that is realistic not like Mr. Darcy or Edward Cullen but he is pretty close to an actual person.

02. The Princess Bride, three words: 
"As you wish."

01. The Jerk, it is the funniest most under appreciated comedy of all time probably... and this is for my family who know all the lines in this movie because it was the only VHS they owned...

I'm picking out a Thermos for you. Not an ordinary Thermos for you. But the extra best Thermos that you can buy, with vinyl and stripes and a cup built right in. And what else can i buy so on me you'll rely, a rear end thermometer too. 
 I love you guys thank you for reading, xoxo ashLEIGH

1 comment:

  1. Oh Ashleigh how I love 80's lover!!! You couldn't possibly be in this family without loving them thar movies!!!!!!!!
