Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The State Of Dreaming

well it's that time of year again, school has started. And after a summer of looking through classes and pre-selecting them community college once again proves how unbelievably stupid it is. If I could go back in time and talk to my High School self I would have said "forget about community college, believe in yourself get scholarships and go to real college. It will be worth it."
I promised myself that this year I would turn it around, but after being skewed over by the secret rules of my school AGAIN I have decided this will be my last semester at SBVC I'm done with that place, yes I met many nice people, with whom I still keep in touch but if I ever want to get in to cosmetology school I need to get in gear.
I love my job, the little girl I watch over has stolen my heart and I miss her so much after not seeing her for more than a few days. I'll still have a lot of free time on my hands which worries me, but I am making a commitment to myself, (and maybe the fact that I'm putting this on the internet too will help me keep it) but I'm committing to myself and the person I want to become, I want to start working out more, I'm starting out small, just walks around the neighborhood  and not very long ones because sometimes I see shady people about. So I'm working on the new me, part of that is a new look, pretty soon I'll be blond, I can't wait!! And I'll get my tattoo I've been wanting! (key hole on the back of my neck, I'll explain the significance later). Despite the fact that all of my friends are away at school I'm really happy right now, in fact I haven't been this happy in a really long time, I think it has to do with my summer, It was amazing. So, because of my friend absence I need to step in to more social situations; I have always been pretty out going but this year I am forcing myself to make friends."Do something that scares you, often." so I will.

xoxo ashLEIGH

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